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Deploy the use cases

Install the use cases

On the Mobicents Sip Servlet appliance, follow these steps:

1. Check-out the use cases from the SVN.

sudo yum -y install svn

svn checkout https://mobicents.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cloud/sip-servlets/examples/apps/wars
cd wars

2. Move the applications to the container.

sudo mv *.war /server/mobicents-sip-servlets/server/all/deploy/

3. Edit the default application router for the use case you want to use.

sudo ./configure-DAR.sh [proxy | b2bua]

Launch the SIPp agents

You can install the agents on any host. However, the UAC and the UAS must be on the same host for the B2BUA application. Follow these steps to install and launch the agents:

1. Check-out the agents from the SVN.

svn checkout https://mobicents.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cloud/sip-servlets/examples/agents
cd agents

2. Generate the agents for the application you have installed (Section 1.3.1).

./build-agents.sh [proxy | b2bua]

3. Launch the UAS.


4. From another console, launch the UAC. You can modify the rate at which the message are sent by using the keys '+' and '-'.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 11:41:55 UTC, last content change 2011-06-02 09:11:21 UTC.